Tuesday, June 27, 2006

This will in all likelihood be my last blog entry before leaving for summer vacation. My distinguished guest-blogger will pick up the slack next week (you'll know it's her because the photography's not as good and the comments are a bit less pithy). Have a great summer everyone. Posted by Picasa
More penthouse destruction. Anyone who can guess what room the two bottom pictures used to be gets a prize.

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Lots of tubes and wires.

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More earthquake-proofing under the stairs and, below, in the Director's Office.

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The air conduits are starting to go in the false ceiling of the auditorium, while below, the back wall has been carefully dismantled in preparation of the seismic reinforcement and the placement of the fire-escape. We have asked them to keep the original bricks (you can see them laying there), so that we can try to reconstruct the back wall, maintaining the classic BC-brick look.
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Everyone likes before and after pics. Here's about all we've got for now.
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Monday, June 26, 2006

It's hot.

For the second time this month, some joker mistakenly tore out a temperature sensor near the library, and caused the entire air-conditioning system to shut down. We are all sitting in a pool of our own sweat today, so there will be no pictures for a while. Too hot. It...is...very...hot...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

This guy really knows how to strike a pose. Below that, the toilet tanks, the door frames and HVAC pipes are going in, and at bottom a view of what is left of the penthouse seminar rooms.

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The pile-driver continues its inexorable drive. Below that you can see the piles lined up along the foundation of the new wing. At bottom, you can see exactly how far out the new wing will stretch (answer: not far. We're doing the best we can with the space the city would give us).

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One of our construction guys taking a smoke break in the false ceiling of the auditorium. This is NOT America! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

OK, blogging's been light this week; we've been extremely busy, and the changes aren't as visible as they were last week when they were smashing everything up. We'll put more pics up tomorrow, but I had to post this picture of our dashing assistant project manager for a day, Hank Baker (BC'06). Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 15, 2006

This guy wishes everyone a nice long weekend. New posts next week. Posted by Picasa
Individual offices are being prepped for outlets, LAN drops and telephone plugs already.
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The seminar rooms on the penthouse floor are no more. Below, the balcony areas are coming down.

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Classrooms are appearing where offices used to be, and vice versa.

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